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Version 1     |     Mobile & Software

App Information Overload:

MySejahtera's User-Centric System Redesign


MySejahtera is a contact tracing app used to aid the Government in managing and mitigating the COVID-19 outbreak. This application is built and designed by a Malaysian firm, KPISoft Sdn Bhd. With this app, users can perform the following functions:

  • Monitor their own health status by conducting a personal health self-assessment

  • Check the latest updates on COVID-19, nearest health facilities and various health-related information

  • Use the check-in function for the registration process at the point-of-entry of premises and offices

  • Register for COVID-19 vaccination in their respective locations


Version 1: July 2021 (3 weeks sprint)
Version 1.1: Mar 2024 - Apr 2024

During the COVID-19 pandemic, my family and friends have expressed countless frustrations of using the MySejahtera app. Ranging from checking the latest statistics of the COVID-19 cases to registering for their vaccination, their frustrations left an impression on me that there are still room for improvement on the app design. With this insight, I set out to reimagine the MySejahtera app and improve the user experience.

Why Redesign?

  • To deliver a personalized experience and deliver intuitive user interface

  • To provide a more user-friendly design with an engaging experience

  • To shorten and simplify the process of registering a COVID-19 vaccination

Goals and Motivation

User Research

As it is compulsory for all citizens of Malaysia to use this app during the COVID-19 pandemic, I already had a brief idea of how the app works and its functionalities. I decided to first conduct an in-depth analysis of the app, understanding the navigations, architectures and overall functionalities.

To gain a further understanding on the users of the MySejahtera application, I have conducted a survey with 100 respondents of various age groups. The purpose of my survey is to understand their pain points of using the MySejahtera app. Here are some of the key insights from the survey:

  • 31.5% of the users use the app for contact tracing

  • The most frustrating feature of the app is that users are unable to schedule their own vaccine appointment

  • Most users experience slow or no response from calls or emails when requesting an early vaccination date

  • To schedule an early vaccination date, users have to apply through an external website



After identifying and analyzing the pain points through user research, I defined the pain point that majority of the users had trouble with.

Users of the MySejahtera application experience the frustrations of scheduling a vaccine appointment. As dealing with different circumstances of users, they should be allowed to schedule their own vaccine appointment, not waiting to be assigned by the Government. Should the circumstance require an early vaccination date, the response by the Government is slow and the process takes very long.

Problem Statement

As shown in the email thread, the email has been ongoing from May to July. It takes months to get the process done and should the circumstances is urgent, the user would fail to have a vaccine appointment.

Proposed Solution

Over a one week brainstorming period, I came up with multiple ideas on the redesign of the MySejahtera app. I refreshed the MySejahtera’s visual style and designed a function for users to schedule their own vaccine appointment. It is intuitive, simple and efficient. Users do not need to go through the hassle of emailing, calling and filling up forms from an external website.



Validation Testing

To validate my app, I surveyed 5 people with my prototype. Here are the results:

5/5 users found the features clear and easy to understand
5/5 users were satisfied with the information presented in the app
5/5 users were able to navigate through the app easily
5/5 users did not find any difficulties in scheduling a vaccine appointment
3/5 users realized there is a translation feature in the dashboard
3/5 users prefer this prototype design than the current MySejahtera design

Pain Points
4/5 users did not realize there is a slider bar to swipe left for more available slots
4/5 users did not realize there is an export button at the confirmation page



At the beginning, I was a tad nervous as this is my first UX case study. I wanted to experience the full process of a UX designer and it was a good opportunity to hone my design skills. I could also get a head start on my portfolio.


Looking back on the case study, redesigning this app made me realized that users are always at center of every design decision. The smallest change can make a big impact, such as the position of a button or the color scheme. I learned to figure out what works and what doesn’t, and the best part is there is always a way to make it better. The learning process is continuous.

And that’s a wrap for my first UX case study!


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